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DYK: Classic Upgrade

Written by PW Pug


Posted on March 07 2020

The Classic Upgrade is an optional internal lining that can be added to your support belt, band, wrap, or pouch cover that increases the structure & discretion of your appliance bag under your clothing, but we already know that.

But Did You Know that the Classic Upgrade can also act as a barrier against everyday appliance bag hazards such as pets, objects, and bag noises?!
  • 67% of U.S. households have pets. Some pets, especially dogs, are attracted to crinkle noises, enjoy chewing & may have sharp or pointy claws/nails. This can sometimes lead to unwanted attention to appliance bags, causing snags, tears, or wear on the appliance.
  • Everyday movement & activities will cause the appliance bag to shift, or hang away from the body, which may cause it to snag, or become punctured, on everyday items.
  • Bathroom moments, walking, and general motions can cause swishing sounds that are not always easily explained away in more public situations.
  • Some appliance bags tend to droop, or fold over, at the top due to heavy bag filters or excess space at the top of the bag. This can cause the appliance to become more visible under clothing or become snagged & pull off of the flange/wafer.
A Classic Upgrade can reduce bag 'free motion', keeping it close to the body, removing snagging or pulling concerns, and removing paranoia over unwanted bag noises. The additional lining, which will not be visible from the outside, will add structure to an appliance bag, keeping it flat & less visible under clothing. The added barrier lining reduces possible punctures, bag scoring, and snagging, which can lead to bag leaking or reduced appliance wear time.
  • Pre-sized support items containing this upgrade can be found on every category page, and are labeled as Series options on individual products. Selection will be labeled Series 2 for belts & wraps and Series 3 for pouch covers.
  • Adding this upgrade to your custom tailored item, at https://ostomybagholder.com, can be found on every product page in the 'Optional Upgrades' option; labeled 'Classic Upgrade' for belts, bands, & wraps and 'Shade Upgrade' for pouch covers.